Originally Posted by dant1127
I think this talk of "dull" is overplayed. A Camry has dull steering. A Panther platform (pick one) should come with free anti-depressants.
Our Z might not tell you that you're hitting 15 pebbles per second, but I've never had a problem telling what my suspension is up to. I feel enough of the road to know what I'm driving on and how far I'm pushing the tires.
I'd call it smooth. With that comes the added benefit of each pothole and road imperfection ripping the steering one way or the other. It also makes road trips almost GT-like. But, IMHO, dull is an incorrect description.
A Camry is not a sports car it is the most boring car on earth. A sports car should give good accurate feed back through the steering. That being said the 370z steering is not that. Its like sex with a condom, it'll do but its not ideal.