Originally Posted by Driftomodachi
Update. I was just cut off by a Dodge Challenger on the freeway the other day. I was in the no. 2 lane and this fool just merged on the freeway and he actually swept over 3 lanes just to cut me off! I was actually flattered that I ruffled his feathers. There was light traffic and this fool was pacing me waiting for me to gun it in this light traffic. So I laughed, looked at him and gave him the thumbs down and he decided to let off. It was funny.
ps. And I've had 1 or 2 toyobaru's rev their motor on me when they saw my Z. Neither of these events were disrespect IMO, I was flattered!
Should have called him in for reckless driving. One guy did the same thing to me. If i would have not braked he would have barreled into my car with a giant SUV, and the car next to me would have likely smashed into my car too.
People that hop lanes like that have to be under the influence of something, normal people just don't drive like that, unless they are total D-bags.