Base 370z or Nismo choice follow up
So after reading many opinions my previous thread about which car to keep as a daily driver in a small college town my 2013 Base (no sport package) 370z or my 2013 Nismo I am still choosing but have narrowed it down more.
So in the end after reading all the opinions and taking each car on a 2 hour drive each in all types of areas/roads to help my choice. I'm still torn and it is coming down to the transmission type. I like manual it adds more fun to the car and the driving experience but I found it to get on my nerves sometimes when I hit areas like shopping areas or towns where there was a good bit of traffic and stop lights. Driving the automatic, I lose my sense of actually driving the car but it is much less to worry about and...well drive at ease.
So in the i lose a better looking car for the transmission or suck it up and drive the nismo? P.S I currently have no plans of modding either car due to just warranty issues and insurance if I were to get in an accident.
Someone asked for pictures in the last thread and here are the two cars....Bad pictures just something I found quickly.
Last edited by Notk; 11-07-2014 at 09:17 PM.