Originally Posted by jwick
Not true. I told you how to hook up a typical MBC with the caveat that you needed to research the requirements of your specific one because I was not familiar with it.
When you removed the MBC you told me that you plumbed those two lines off the controller together and continued the tuning session. That is definitely not running off WG pressure. I really wish I still had the diagram you sent me.
Don't take shots at people trying to help you when you didn't do the research you needed to get it right.
Sorry OP for the thread jack 
Chill out man. When exactly in this thread did I "take a shot at you". I said "everybody and their dog" and not, "Jwick and everybody else". Then you chimed in defending yourself, whom I didn't even mention, putting yourself in the spotlight.
Yeah I totally threw your name under the bus here.