Originally Posted by niko86
fuel correction should be straight 100% (no correction, open loop)
MAF voltage should be a steady increase (no dips or weird readings jumping up and down)
AFR should be close to each other on bank 1 & 2
For timing, i would try referencing your log to the graph and see wether a dip in timing is obvious at that RPM ranges
max timing should be between 25-30
fuel correction should be straight 100% (no correction, open loop)
MAF voltage should be a steady increase (no dips or weird readings jumping up and down) Fuel is 100 % all the way and MAF volts are 3.8 to 4.3 no weird drops ?
AFR should be close to each other on bank 1 & 2 They are with in .50 or so 14.93-15.52 @7270 RPMS
For timing, i would try referencing your log to the graph and see wether a dip in timing is obvious at that RPM ranges Timing starts at 17 climbs to 24 at 6134 the starts dropping till 6553 then it back to 24 drops again at 6741 and up again to 31 at 7625 ( Kinda all over the place)
max timing should be between 25-30 get no were near 30. 25 is the highest for like 1 second of throttle
14 Q50 AWD, ARK, ECUTEK (SEB), Takda,