Originally Posted by j-rho
As quick on the trigger as I am to flame club leaders when I think they've acted for personal benefit over that of the club - I don't think that's what happened here. The 370z isn't a small light car with 4cylinder power that gets by on its handling. It's bigger and heavier, but makes up for it with more wheel and extra acceleration. When viewed this way it doesn't "look like" the other CS cars, and the move makes sense.
No, I don't think any one individual has that much pull. At any rate, don't forgot we were the staple of this class for a few years, until the little pissers showed up. The SCCA likes to keep one dominate make per class, Vettes in A, S2000s in B, us in C, etc. Now as the S2000s age on the competitive curve, we can go up there and have some fun, and leave C for the little hipster d-bag mobiles. I do wish however we could find a better home in ST.