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Old 11-01-2014, 12:35 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Dcocci is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Digital neOn View Post
People are buying those cars at MSRP at around 30k. Those cars look amazing, and are fun cars from what i gathered but are too much coin for what you get.

If the FRS/BRZ actually had a decent interior and not that awful excuse for an interior and a more powerful engine i would say that it would be worth the asking price.

A Miata is a more logical and economical choice for a slow car that feels fun.
30k? Jeeesus that's a huge markup, or like fully optioned out. The ones I saw were like 26-27, which is about what I paid for the Z. The special edition FRS that just came out is like 30k.
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