I just picked one of these up from Amazon last week and tried it out for the first time. It really blows! (pun)

I was worried it would trip my circuit breaker because it rated at 19 amps, but my outside eve outlet seemed to work fine without tripping the breaker. When you put it on full blast, it's amazing how much air it puts out. You have to really hold onto the hose or it will start going all over the place, which in itself, would make for a funny film on how your car air drying machine decided to attack you!
As far as drying the 370z, without a good coax of was on my paint, even with this thing, the water wants to stick to the paint and not let go. As soon as I get some wax on there, it should be a lot easier. Doing the wheels is nice with this machine as that area is hard to get into. I'm not sure just driving the car to dry it is a good idea because of water spots and dirt.
As far as leaf blowers go, it's certainly a lot less expensive alternative, but you don't have the flexible hose and it's a bit clunky maneuvering those around the car.
There is a method of drying your car, that if you use micro-fiber towels that are already damp, and spray a couple squirts of a dryer paint lubricant on it first, it will cut down the chances of introducing swirls into your paint. That might be the best solution for those not wanting to spend any extra money on something or have much "stuff" in the garage to store away.