Originally Posted by jpkirk
Oh yea. My fav is always the fire departments response to parking in front of a fire hydrant. Thanks for this Huck.
AND ... it's a beemer.

to be fair the car behind it as well is technically illegally parked but whatever beemer had ti coming.
Originally Posted by pbhakta
I park in a row that is usually pretty empty at work, but couple days ago I come out to find this parked next to me...started to get a little pissed but then couldnt help but notice the awesome double wing and laugh...
As you can see I park far enough away that there are plenty of open spots around me.
I really couldnt help but laugh...Now I am really just waiting for the next double wing car to come around.
at first i was like what a ricing talon... oh stang... oh...
and then the mis-matched bumper bra'd integra... well you know that those wings are adding so much down force bro... gotta make sure all 160 ponies are being pushed into the ground!