So I was up at my parent's cabin in the NC mountains for a long weekend of hiking and backpacking with some friends in and around Pisgah. Amazing times up there! A few miles away from the cabin stumbled upon "the Rattler", which is a beautiful road (especially during leaf season). Very similar to the "dragon" but hardly any traffic except for a few harleys and a 55mph speed limit. I have no clue who in their right mind would go anywhere near that speed on this road.
Very surprised I hadn't heard of the road before, and there's even a general store (complete with stocked rainbow trout pond!) at the south end selling "Ride the Rattler" stickers and shirts. I kind of don't want to say anything about this road because I don't want more traffic on it, but it was a brilliant drive and amazing views so wanted to share and invite people to come to visit the best state
"The Rattler 290 Curves in 24 miles"
I did video the drive, and will note that I did not speed or cross the double-yellow
I did not want to end my day in the bottom of a gorge or with a harley rider on my hood. Only did about 10 miles on the road before my passenger got really carsick
and I had to turn around and let him drive back at 25 mph.
I need an external mic and you can probably find better videos of the road on youtube from some bike guys.