Originally Posted by cooltoy
When I first got the Z, I di not like the automatic rev matching, but only because I did not understand it and did not how to properly use it. I used to turn it off all the time. But now after a few month of driving, I no longer turn it off and I like it a lot. It gives me those perfect drives more often.
As far the first to second shift, just hold the clutch in a bit longer for a two count, which will allow the S-match to catch up (it works on the upshifts too) and you will have a much smoother shift.
Look up "helper spring mod" in the DIY section to help with the "high sprung" clutch.
I got the Z specifically because it has rev matching. No other car in the price range offers it. The way I see it is that "good" tech is cool. Good being in the the users eye. This is good tech. I almost went with auto because the reviews on here said it was a good auto. Couldn't bring myself to do it. While I don't regret it, I should have at least test driven one.
Cooltoy is right on the money about 1st to 2nd shift. I found that under 3500 rpm requires the "two count." Generally true for 2nd to 3rd as well. Higher revs do not. Around 4500 RPM and above the engine RPM starts to reduce fairly quickly when you begin the shift. Change the shift style with the aggressiveness of the

You may find that you don't want the mods.