Nice find Semtex!
IMO I would say that the GT-R, The Z, and the G37 are all equally important for Nissan right now. There is no denying that the GT-R hit a Grand Slam that gives Nissan world recognition. I buzz about its company that I would say most car company's haven't had for a long time. Last time I think there was a good buzz about a Manufacturer was when Dodge pumped out the Viper. Then they pushed out the intrepid and neon a strong line of cars somewhere they messed up obviously but another story.
The Z is the stablemate because equally impressive as the article says for price/value. Its heritage in North America has to be maintained and new customers for Nissan. I would be willing to say that Nissan will do well with the 370z just as they did for the 350z because the 370z is getting some of the buzz of the GT-R there aren't many article's out there about the 370z that don't mention the GT-R mostly saying Nissan did it again.
I see the GT-R as the big brother to the 370z.
If those to houses worked together ahhh the things they could come up with, maybe there competition will drive

them for perfection.
G37 is up against BMW and will be battling it out in Europe now. A win or tie here will definitely be good for Nissan it maybe more important then the GT-R or the Z. They really need to shake the poor mans bimmer that they sometimes receive and refine the ride quality a little bit more. Then they will be right along side of BMW and Audi in the luxury department. The most important thing for a Auto Maker right now is Sales not buzz they have gotten there buzz they need sales. A win or a tie in the luxury department will have them see more profit then the Z or GT-R could bring.
Just my