Thread: Walking Dead
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Old 10-27-2014, 01:36 AM   #856 (permalink)
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If there is one thing I've learned about this show, is you can't make everyone happy. When they try to be a real drama, people complain about not having enough action. They throw in non stop action, people complain that it's not true enough to the comic. They bring in lots of zombie killing and comic based arcs, and we're back to the lack of human based drama complaining.

Trying to compare this to the comic is a bit fallacious. You just have to accept that this isn't the canon of the comic, and because mediums are so totally different, that to complain about that fact is utterly ridiculous. I for one am glad to see plenty of action, and am glad that they made this season start off so action oriented, but then again I value character and plot development; so I'm cool if none of that happens in an episode so long as an episode does one or both.
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