sounds to me like it would be easier to hire a bunch of people off craigslist along the route you're going to travel, email them approximate times for your drive by, and have them stand at the street corners near all of your turns, and point in the direction you need to go. In addition, hire vocalists for each genre of music you like, move them into your home, and put them on call 24/7, and when you leave for a ride, choose one to travel along and sing to you.
I'm just sayin' lol
P99rs Head Unit--- Amps- 2 Pioneer Prs800d --- Zapco ST1000MX---Zapco ST-4XSQ---- SI BM mk5 Subs---SI TM65v2 Midbass--- SI M3 mids--- SI M25 xbl2 tweeters ----- 2016 MECA street class 3rd place at world finals