Originally Posted by 98intrigue
Wheels look great on the car! I take it those tires aren't capable of reaching the speeds that a Veyron can reach? I know this isn't the first time aftermarket wheels have been put on a Veyron, but I'm just curious. The OEM tires are some kind of special Michellin tire that can handle those 250+mph speeds.
Now that I think of it, I wonder what kind of tires those cars that run 200+mph in the standing 1/2 mile and mile events use.
200mph for about 2 seconds is a lot different than a tire that can do 250mph for minutes at a time lol. Plus, this car is more for publicity, and not taking to a closed track for timed top speed runs. It sits most of the time.. Hence him going for the look, and not the super stupid pricetag on the stock tires they recommend.
Originally Posted by kenchan
is that guy sitting on a manhole lid?

LOL! its actually a piece of foam that we wrap the top and bottom of wheels and tires during shipping... It also doubles as a soft place to kneel down for our tech.