Originally Posted by JARblue
The little short arm bar that comes standard in the Z makes removing the lug nuts fairly difficult even if they are torqued properly to 85 ftlbs. I usually end up standing on it to break them loose because I seem to always tear up my knuckles on the rim or the ground when I do it by hand. It's fine in a pinch (i.e. side of the road and only one tire), but I use a 36" long breaker bar at home. It was $10 at Harbor Freight on clearance (I haven't seen them since, but they have a 25" one about the same price) 
When I had my 06 G35 coupe I had to use the short arm bar several times. I found, that if you have the arm bar parallel to the ground once you have it on a lug nut, come directly down on it with your dominate foot hard which is basically stomping on it and you can break the lug nut loose.

A bar that short doesn't give you any leverage obviously lol.