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Old 02-12-2009, 08:45 PM   #13 (permalink)
Nikon FM
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Default Brought my own oil --- 1st oil change was $7 and some coin

I have driven near what is called out for in the manual up to this point ~730 miles. I checked the oil using a white paper towel and saw a bunch of stuff that didn't look like oil residue on the towel, so I took the car in to get the oil changed. I took my own oil in (Castrol 5-30w) and asked them to give me the filter before cleaning it up. Sure enough, some of the same stuff I saw on the paper towel was on the inside seal area so I asked the mechanic about it. Turns out to be "normal". I'm going to moniter how the oil looks but most likely will change it out again at 2-2500 miles or when I see the "normal" stuff again.

My dealer has a special price for the first oil change so my total cost was only $7 and complaints.

Buddy Revell: "One man's sooner is another man's later"

Last edited by Nikon FM; 02-12-2009 at 08:56 PM.
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