Originally Posted by Skyscraper
Just a few hours from the Sierras. We snowmobile by choice in California 
"A few hours from the Sierras". That's not snowmobiling, that's a snowmobile trip. I can drive "a few hours" and be sunning myself on a beach somewhere. Snowmobiling is where you ride your machine out of the garage and catch the trail that runs 2 miles from your house. From there your choices are some nice little trailside bar for lunch 50 miles up the trail, or maybe riding up toward the Canadian border for a few days, depending on how you've packed for the trip.
Here in Minnesota, we go visit "rain (hopefully) and temps dipping around 25F" by choice. Frankly, I'd rather have 10 degrees and 3 feet of snow than rain and 25 degree temps.