Originally Posted by brancky3
Do you need to buy a license before getting tuned? I thought that's what getting tuned did, but my only experience with this sort of thing is with VW / Audi cars.
The shop can just charge you for the
standard license and the tune if you don't already have a license. I just got a killer deal on a
tuner license and
interface cable before hand so I didn't need any of that from them. When I went to Motion Lab, I was just paying them labor more or less. You definitely don't have to have a license before you go. Motion Lab offered me a standard license for $295 w/ the tune, but I already had my own. I'm not sure if that's their standard rate but it's definitely the way to go if you don't want the tuner version and don't need your own cable. The Osiris site has all the info you'd need to make that decision in the event that you're not sure which you'd want.