I would check your rca cables, be sure they are not damaged at all, and try to keep them away from your power wire. Are your amps contacting metal anywhere? they should not.
Be sure your power wire is tight as well. If all looks good, last thing I would check is your input gains may be cranked too high. How did you set them?
If all else fails, try grounding the Outer leads of your rcas to the chassis as well. (not the most likely cause, but it is possible.....
P99rs Head Unit--- Amps- 2 Pioneer Prs800d --- Zapco ST1000MX---Zapco ST-4XSQ---- SI BM mk5 Subs---SI TM65v2 Midbass--- SI M3 mids--- SI M25 xbl2 tweeters ----- 2016 MECA street class 3rd place at world finals