Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
My IS350 was backed into in a parking lot just recently too. It was a hit and run. 
I had just parked in a mall parking structure and was walking to the stairs when I see a woman in an SUV trying to park in space marked for compacts; she hits the car in adjacent stall destroying the rear corner and complete taillight assembly. What does she do? She pulls away, drives down to another level and parks! What she did not see is that I saw her, and raced down the stairs to watch her park on the lower level. I call the police, explain the event and show the damage to both vehicles. They take my statement (and my driver’s license information, although I asked to stay out of it). About one week later I receive a letter in the mail. It was the woman whose car had been hit. She wrote to thank me as the car was brand-new, and it was her birthday the day she was hit. She was surprised that someone had taken the time to chase down the other vehicle and file a report, because in today's world people do not care. Anyway, it made her day as the other woman was held accountable versus the hit and run it initially was.
I am following this thread as the cost of repair, and the extent of the damage will be interesting not only for us, but for the insurance industry.