Originally Posted by nomodsjk
Look FPenvy and exsanity I have nothing against you guys at all in fact just the opposite... Me love you long time! But this is where we differ. This guy is proud of his build and I don't see why you guys have to spend so much time crapping on him for it. If you don't like it then just find another thread on which to post. Your opinion isn't going to change his mind at all. Like he said it's a show car. I just don't see the point of being so negative to another forum brother. You've said your peace now let him post in peace. Some of us are really looking forward to seeing this completed. Please guys... Me love you long time???

Me love you long time..
Unlike Presto, I never crapped on his build, he can do whatever he likes and I'm in to see the widebody finished

But, some folks here seem to think that when I post facts about things to clear up misinformation that I'm not an enthusiast.. or that my location means I don't know anything.

BTW, met you at Z Nationals.. Love your Z in real life.
Originally Posted by FPenvy
me love you long time too and this guy can waste his money however he chooses.
unlike the CDC, i'm trying to stop this epidemic BEFORE it spreads here. 

I see what you did there.