Originally Posted by YzGyz
I think you should simply invest in a few good number punch thing where you can smash it with a hammer and number them. As for the special signature, why not a REAL SIGNATURE? Hand held engravers are cheap. You just put your abbreviation SS or John Handcock or whatnot, smash ## or whatever and that's that. That keeps your hand made part completely hand made. Personally signed for a personal touch sounds good to me.

I have number punches, and I could stamp the T4 flange for sure. Funny you mention the signature..I had a VQ35DE customer request that on the charge pipes in the engine bay. I signed it, and then it was clear coated.
This particular customer ended up making almost 900WHP on E85, using a 7675 T4 .96 a/r (non twin scroll) Precision turbo....at 27psi
Originally Posted by jwick
Highly doubt there ever will be one. Compared to the MT that AT is massive. Just not enough room down there for the turbo and all the piping.
Correct, the A/T is just massive, and takes up so much valuable room under the car.