Originally Posted by Jordo!
Made more terrible by the heavy handed "how people lose their humanity" moral (NOW, THEN, NOW, THEN, YAWN, BELCH, FART)
I recommend everyone start watching Z Nation on Syfy. DJ Qualls is a hoot and the show better balances storyline, drama, and some offbeat laughs too.
Still love the comic, but the show has just about lost me.
The whole bat-to-skull-slaughter scene was silly -- it was PAINFULLY obvious they were going to stop before any main characters, making it pointless to have it set up that way. Also, there is no way that scrawny, unimposing and young wuss would be the leader in that scenario. I don't care if he can shoot laser beams out of his eyes or is the only one who is literate or both. Too much suspension of disbelief.
I haven't even started the series but i keep hearing that i would extremely disappointed if i started. I am reading on Volume 12 out of the .. what?, 26 that is out but seems to me i will not be starting it anytime soon. I am completely hooked on the graphic novels and looks like that is will my head will stay. But saying that, how often is it when the movie/series is better than the book/comic? ...... The first Kick-*** movie maybe, the second one was crap.