Originally Posted by bullitt5897
First of all not a PR mission. Secondly, the attitude is not needed. I went to check on my car out of legitimate concern for the time it was taking to complete. That and I had a plethora of parts that needed to come home like a ~$800 dry carbon intake duct... So I went to see the progress, check in the condition of my car, pick up my stuff, talk to sam one on one and it soo happened to be a prime time to ask him questions about what is really going on.
I don't know about your order or the mishap that happened there. However, if you want to confront me feel free to do it in PM. I hold myself to a high stadard and what I put out is the truth. If you don't like it so be it... Go play elsewhere. I harbor no bad feelings about what has been posted or those in this thread but... If another person decides to insinuate that I am on a PR mission or that I am lying I have no problem calling AK or Frost or even Trips on the phone and letting them deal with you.
I am a very nice person who was thinking of others when I posted... If you people do not want insight and want your little witch hunt by all means have one on your own. This forum can quickly turn into my350 they way you guys are starting to act... And everyone hates my350!
I don't think you are lying or their
PR machine, I just think you are blind. After everything that has happened, you still put too much trust in the words of a real liar.