Originally Posted by JARblue
Thank you bullitt for some additional perspective. You're being crucified unnecessarily by people who seem to think that GTM has filed for bankruptcy, shut down the shop, and disappeared. Obviously, GTM is still working on customer's cars. Good luck getting your build finished up.
To those with flaming pitchforks already in hand, I do not blame you for wanting to crucify GTM. But FFS, there's no reason to attack a fellow forum member who is several years deep into his GTM build. I suspect if bullitt was looking to start his build in the last 6 months, his posts would be much different. I don't quite see how you guys think he was defending GTM - he was just stating his observations of the shop in its current state. I don't think anyone is reading through pages of this thread, and then getting to bullitt's post and thinking to themselves, wow GTM sounds like a great choice for my build
Lets assume that everything is fine with GTM. Do you really want to do business with a company with the reputation it has now? The reputation does not just come out of thin air. I would be highly stressed and pissed if I knew my turbo kit was going to take more than a year to get to me with no end date in site. People are here mostly to warn others of what has happened. Old habits do die hard and GTM has proven it in the old 350z community and here.
More power to you if you want to wait it out. In the end, it is your money and not mine.
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Yeah, there's some funky ownership issues going on, but someone related to this debacle began filing bankruptcy. Bullitt, take anything Sam says about a filing with a grain of salt. He's not above looking someone right in the eyes and lying to them.
Sam has lied before and if anyone believes anything he says now then it is your lost.