So I pulled the trigger on the Voodoo13 steering rack extenders. Getting tired of spinning out. Not having these was the reason I still couldn't get any angle out of my car after shaving the bump stops. So here the are installed.

These also move the tierod forward so they don't over center in high angle applications. Since I don't have the full $4300 angle kit I don't think it really matters. Now I have to figure out how to make a boot since my old one doesn't fit anymore. Having Mike at NST make me just a regular tie rod adapter that is straight so I can keep my boot. Another issue I am running into is getting my outer tie Rod to screw in more to center the wheel back. Going to have to do some cutting I guess since the inner rod is pushed out a couple inches now.
Good news is I'll be able to get a few more degrees out of my steering now. I am now able to rotate the wheel until the knuckle hits the arm on both sides.
Another thing I'm happy about is that my rear rim I'm running up front just barely clears on both sides.
Final results:
Before 30 degrees, After 45 degrees

More updates coming soon.
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