Originally Posted by wdkwang
Just sucks to think our cars are like ticking time bomb with these problems.
That's why I replaced my CSC prior to it failing. I didn't want it to fail on me out in the middle of nowhere with no traffic and no cell service. Same with the ESCL - pull the fuse and no more worries. It probably wouldn't stop a good thief anyway. Do you actually engage it every time you park? If so, I bet it's getting more prone to failure each use.
Originally Posted by kenchan
its really not. just go easy on the clutch pedal...
If you put miles on the car, they are. I am easy on the clutch pedal. I probably could have gotten 60-80K miles on the CSC before it failed. But I have no idea when it might fail. So I just used that as a good excuse to upgrade