Originally Posted by TheBoomSpoon
Just today i pass an altima 3.5ser, just going around a slower car and all of a sudden he guns it with his 3 or 4 passengers and paases me looking over at me. Its those altima race car commercials, every altima even the 2.5 are now faster than the z even loaded down.
The world is dumb!
I had a 3.5, they are very fast for what they are but, that cvt has mushy faux gear changes and you can't do a tight 90degree turn at high velocity. The suspension is 350z firm and stable at high speeds. A great straight liner. But it's far from a Z. This is my issue right here. We would all like the Z to increase in performance, but I don't want it to become an American style muscle car to do it. There is no na/v6 outperforming the Z. Be proud of that. When the Z goes turbo, and you read the stats, yall will go fanboy again.