Originally Posted by travisjb
Here's what the local shop owner explained to me as the the tradeoff on gen3 vs gen4... gen4 costs more, has two springs (instead of one on gen 3), and gen 4 is made to fit smaller hands. Gen 3 fits me fine. Mechanically, he said, the extra spring really doesn't matter.
Any different viewpoints on this? worth the extra ~$200?
For most people no. For me yes, for a very specific reason. The mag release can be swapped to the other side on the gen 4s. I need the mag release on the right side. The first pistol I bought was a Walther P99. After that it was a H&K USP 45 Tactical. I have built up muscle memory on ejecting mags using my middle finger of my shooting hand. I will not even consider a pistol unless it can eject from the right in a OEM configuration.

From what I have read and seen there were a few initial issues with the gen 4s that were blown way out of proportion. I have had no issues with my gen 4 Glock 20.