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Old 09-30-2014, 07:07 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BGTV8 View Post
The lighting system is engineered to throw high beam ahead and for LHD, to the right to illuminate the passenger side verge. The low-beam circuit illuminates just the verge and shortens the distance of the beam thrown ahead to avoid dazzle to oncoming cars.

If you install such a lighting system in a RHD car, then the high beam "spreads" to the centre of the road (because the car is on the other side of the road and passenger side and driver side are reversed) and low-beam is similarly focussed to the centre of the road.

The nett effect of using a LHD lighting system in a RHD car is that oncoming cars are dazzled on low beam and the lighting system does not illuminate the verge on high beam.

I lived in the UK 40 years ago for a while and spend time driving my RHD car in France and the French police were dynamite on lighting - we had to fit stickers over the headlights to blank out the beam to avoid dazzle.

And for the OP, I apologize for being a humour free zone, but I will simply observe that Adelaide is a bit of a backwater and maybe that lead to the original joke (flame mode now "on").

Hey, it may be a bit of a backwater, but it's *our* backwater. Ok that didn't work.

So no go I take it? Ahh well
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