Originally Posted by phunk
peak torque and turbo efficiency and all that have nothing to do with it... gearing is gearing, and once the clutch is re-engaged the engine speed will match the wheel speed per the selected ratios and thats what you have to work with. the most a wot-box can do is help keep a big turbo spinning faster by burning the fuel in the exhaust mani, but we dont need that, turbos on Z's arent laggy anyway and the car has enough natural power to propel itself quickly even if it did loose boost for a split second.
my car has a twin disk clutch and light flywheel... it still isnt gonna fall quick enough that i want to wait for it!
Haha, fair enough. The whole process is more useful on 4cyl cars by far, and especially for awd where gear to engine speed management is important to not break things. If you're not spinning you wheels every shift, not experiencing an absurd shock, and shifting before your rev limiter you're most likely good to go anyway