Hey Guys
For those attending or wanting to Attend Petite Lemans, got some good news! Nissan has a Corral setup this year. Unfortunately we got the information a bit late, but here is the information:
You can find the Event information here:
For Tickets you can contact:
Derek Reyes | Manager, Corporate Partnerships
Road Atlanta
Direct: 770.967.7220 | Cell: 770.530.3731
Fax: 770.967.2668
dreyes@roadatlanta.com |
Recognized as one of the world
As part of this, Nissan will cater lunch and also bring out Lara Tallman, Vesko and Bryan Heitkotter over to chat, as well as some Nissan big wigs.
If you are buying tickets, please make sure you go through this person asap. If you have already purchased tickets, perhaps contact him in regards to how to get to the Corral.
You can find the location in the file added at: