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Old 09-29-2014, 04:07 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lineyho View Post
I have that android unit in my 370. I have had it over a year. It works great ! I just turn my hotspot on for the connection. Does everything almost. I have one of the early units. It is rooted but torque doesn't work well with it. Also, if you have a slingbox at home you can watch TV anywhere. I don't understand why the Major companies have not jumped on this yet.
Cool, good to hear. Any word on if it will work with "Android L" that comes out next month? I'm assuming if it's rooted, there shouldn't be any issues loading any operating system you want.

I agree about it being weird that big companies aren't running with this.
What car/audio geek doesn't want this? This is as cool as it gets...
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