Originally Posted by Read T
The base stereo is fine by me, better than other cars I've owned
The road noise is because there are huge wheels right behind your back
I've never had any problems with fuel starvation and about every tank I get to --- miles remaining
Heavy flywheel probably makes the car easier to drive for most people, or is a bandaid for what I agree is horrible clutch feel.
Most people who buy the car will never even know what an LSD does so from a company standpoint it doesn't really matter to put in a better one. That said the S15 which ended production in 2001 had a helical R200.
I would add that after 1 year, the paint bubbling off of a car is pretty ****-tastic.
I've never had a car before with electronic throttle or traction control. I think both of those suck and could be revised. I want to go WOT when I put my foot all the way down.
Agree on the oil cooler, sitting in traffic and hitting 250* is stupid.
How is better LSD going to improve driving experience? better take offs?