I hate to go off topic but I need to mention quality. I work for a worldwide elevator co. Here in the US we made a major change and fumbled the ball, instead of apologizing to the customers and do a recall we had a meeting and basically said that it was not a safety issue so when things broke we would fix them.
Our counter parts in Japan made a mistake Once and we sat thru hours of teleconferencing watching every one from the plant manager, engineer, manufacturing personnel to the secretary who sent out the manuals apologize and bow their heads to us...a day later to receive a retrofit unit to be sent out to repair the flaw in the field which was replacing the metric to standard hardware...my point is that as a country we (look at GM) really are not following the motto "Quality is #1"...but quantity is, sad but true and this applies to all the transportation, manufacturing and any business that has CEO's that love their big bonuses... enough said...carry on Z vs Vett