Originally Posted by VCuomo
A hydrogen explosion is actually safer than a gasoline explosion - hydrogen burns extremely quickly, whereas gasoline is a relatively slow burning fuel (the slow burning causes much more damage).
Lol - sorry I got a kick out of that one

I guess it really depends on the situation. Put it this way a mixture of gasoline/air is explosive from 1.7 - 7.6% gasoline whereas hydrogen is explosive from 4-75%. Acetylene is the only other one off the top of my head that has such a huge explosive range. I'm willing to bet that a hydrogen explosion of the same volume is going to give you more "bang for your buck" so to speak.
From what I can tell is Hydrogen is basically I high power density medium - you can get a lot of power in a small area. There is so much energy available on earth - its just a matter of gathering it up to use it. Electric cars will be the future and when we figure out how to increase the range our beloved gas guzzlers will be relegated to the museums or electric conversions. Anyhow I'm mumbling - the point is it takes so much energy to get raw hydrogen that its really not viable at this point in time. We need to get to work to harness all the free energy that's available but that requires spending the money on the infrastructure, etc. Once we have that in place then we can convert the energy into other forms.