Originally Posted by bluzman
Nor. Cal. 370Z's now and getting one soon.
1) 4MYZ370 -Jack-San Ramon (East Bay)-P Gragh./ Gray /Touring /7sa / Nav. / F mats / Illum. kick
2) albertu - Albert - Mtn View (South Bay) - P Gragh./ base / MT / Sp Pkg / ETA 2-27-09
3) ctzn - - Walnut Creek - Pearl White / 6MT .
4) bluzman-David-Santa Maria (Central Coast)-Solid Red / Black / Touring / 7AT / floor mats / illum. kick
The Central Coast doesn't really belong to SoCal or NorCal but what the hell...
Welcome David - the 350Z'z & the Sky -Redline groups I ride/ meet with have gone on many rides with Central Coast, if So. Cal. doesn't want you'll we're with you.
"O" see "Places to Eat" thread Nor. Cal. -- & if you know
any best of the best down there let me know & I'll add them to the list. or you can there is
already a section for Central Coast, so many of us go down there.