Originally Posted by Jordo!
If one of the factors that affects target AFR is IAT's then that would certainly be true.
The IAT is located in the MAF and used by the MAF circuit as part of the density calculations. Details are in the FSM.
Originally Posted by Jordo!
I think it gets confusing in part because power and MPG are kind of unrelated issues when you get down to it. ...
Good explanation.
Originally Posted by Jordo!
I don't know about heat losses related to airflow, but losses as heat matter definitely in some aspects of MPG. A fluid coupling trans, for example, will lose power in the form of heat, and therefore have a poorer MPG than a solid connection to the driveshaft operating under the same conditions (although gearing and time spent in a given gear will affect MPG too).
Any effect on MPG/efficiency due to cooling from airflow is pretty insignificant. Keep in mind that the air is "cold" only until the piston starts up.
Any heat loss means less efficiency. The "perfect" engine wouldn't have a radiator (and the drive wheel would be bolted to the crank). Some of the hyper-milers run their engines very hot, but that will lead to detonation problems (plus increased wear) for a "normal" driver.