Originally Posted by RonRizz
They still sell them. However, although the arguments will wage on forever, they have been proven time and time again to be pure snake oil. Between the cost of the caps, and the sheer amount of farads you need to actually make any difference whatsoever, you would be better off to add a battery.
Anyone who says a cap helped with headlights dimming (which seemed to be the main marketing strategy) is disillusioned. Its just snake oil, pure and simple.
I have to ask, have you first hand experience with Alumapro CAP5, CAP15, CAP50?
This is the product line that I specifically mention.
I had them in four personal vehicles as well as countless friends and family vehicles.
None of us were "disillusioned" as you state (which is not a word, but closely resembles Disallusioned found only in the Urban Dictionary).
I think maybe your trying to say delusional perhaps?
In any case, our volt meters were not delusional when they represented a complete voltage regulation after Alumapro's product was installed. None of us were delusional when we visibly witnessed light dimming to be corrected.
YES, having worked in car audio industry for a good run, you get to find out what products do not work, especially as advertised. The other benefit being, you get to find out what products DO work, first hand.
I would always recommend the Alumapro CAP5 to a 500w RMS setup, and the Alumapro CAP15 for up to around 1,200w RMS.
After that, yes, add some batteries, and upgrade the alternator if possible, its about keeping the voltage regulated during heavy musical notes to keep your power output at rated amounts.