GTM reputation has followed them accordingly as some of us from the g35/350 said it would happen. The factors that played in the demise started loooong ago just had to be able to read between the lines and you would've noticed.
I can remember the only positive I'll take away dealing with gtm was actually speaking with Mike. There was a thread (which was cleaned up of some posts) where Mike reached out to me and asked me what he could do to help. I considered that to go above and beyond his responsibilities as an employee of a company being bad mouthed. Mike, best of luck to you moving forward. Stand up guy.
They had some great products even if it wasn't theirs. The Garett turbo kits are pretty good. I sold my stage 2 kit after over a year n 12k miles. My manifolds were the few that DIDNT crack.
MY only reason buying a GTM kit was I needed a good turbo kit and at the time gtm was the only company making turbo kits for the g37/370 platform (darn you BP and FI for not making your incredible kits sooner)!
I'm glad to see that the admins have finally shut the door and are being active in protecting the community. While every newbie should do their homework, it's good to have someone point you in the right direction also. Modding these rides ain't cheap and I can understand the frustration of dropping serious hard earned money only to get burned. Hopefully this bands the community together.