Originally Posted by Mike@GTM
Actually, while Sam was gone Pablo and I were able to get a little more organized and bust out some kits. I was actually able to give accurate lead times based on what we actually had in inventory, what was in the queue and prioritize accordingly. Don't get me wrong, once Pablo and I got things organized we realized what a colossal cluster fuch things were and not being able to order turbos or superchargers (due in part to Sam's unwillingness to let us handle business and partly due to the fact that our account was on hold due to the massive debt he had not paid) made it especially challenging. Nevertheless, we made some things happen.
Once Sam got back, everything went back to "business as usual", only worse because he hadn't really taken the time to recover from his surgery and was practically useless through no fault of his own. His short term memory was gone. I mean, he couldn't remember a conversation he had 30 seconds ago. I don't know if he has recovered from his short term memory loss or not, but someone that is mentally handicapped to that degree shouldn't be running a business and most definitely not be responsible for other people's money.
Wow, so the brain surgery/death in the family stuff wasn't bs after all. I would have bet against that.