Amen Mike!
What GTM needs is to lose Sam. Without Sam, the beast could be well oiled and could run well... I just don't think GTM will go away. I think they'll open another business name under a different owner and continue to make parts.
If I had a financial backer I'd love to buy GTM, and get it up and running. The people working for Sam have a heart and DO bust their asses off only to get railed. (Pablo)
If GTM does go under, I'll buy all the oil pans and distribute them to the forum at cost! So don't bid me up! Lol
Mike, you got balls to say this
I really hope that Sam is unable to continue doing business in the automotive aftermarket. While he is certainly knowledgeable about cars, his shadiness just doesn't belong in this industry. There are way too many upstanding business people that bust their asses to make good product and deliver great service. Seb@Specialty Z, Tony@Fast Intentions, and Sasha@Boosted Performance, my hat is off to you guys for fighting the good fight. Keep up the good work gentlemen. I also want to apologize to Tony and Sasha for talking smack about your guys' products and if it had been up to me, I would have been giving you guys props instead. There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing your competition's accomplishments in my opinion. If anything, it encourages everyone to do their best and ultimately improves the platform for all enthusiasts.