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Old 09-14-2014, 07:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Drives: 05 OBP WRX
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kayha12 is on a distinguished road

So just went out and did a dry run today just to make sure the route is still good. Made some changes to some turns due to road closures and added a bunch of notes to certain roads! Was a blast hitting the cruise with Steve G and our friend Thomas

Here are the updates:

1) There was one road closing that was a quick and easy adjustment to the route
2) I also updated certain roads/turns to PWC (proceed with caution) some roads will end on a blind 1 way bridge, some have construction going on, etc etc. All noted, I will go through each one with you all during the drivers meeting, if you don't pay attention and rip your bumper off, don't blame me!
3) If your car is lower than the lowest point of my exhaus (which is really low!)t, then you probably shouldn't risk taking your car lol for the most part I only scraped my exhaust since it hangs so low, Steve kissed his bumper a few times but nothing serious
4) There is an Exxon at our premeet spot, gas up there and/or grab a snack. The cruise today, with only stopping at the Sheetz took about 3ish hours, with the club I expect it to go much longer with some of the photo op places.

I also decided I will go over these route notes during our driver meeting as well as these notes that I put together with Steve G. today. Which of course will be reviewed during the meeting as well!

• This IS NOT A RACE!!
• You WILL get split up – do not rely on the person in front of you to get you to where you need to go. All it takes is 1 person to take the wrong turn and the whole group gets lost. Fold up the paper, hold it against your steering wheel and follow along. Or have a navigator
• Buddy system – it can work but with so many stop signs and traffic lights, it’s tough to stay in a group. DO NOT LOSE SIGHT of the person behind you, the goal is, if you don’t lose them, and they don’t lose the person behind them, and so forth. It should be golden
• DO NOT CROSS the yellow lines!! Some of the roads we will be going on will seem like they’re 1 way but they aren’t, be courteous and most importantly stay very cautious and aware. Put effort into staying on your side of the road. NO PASSING at ALL!
• SLOW DOWN on blind hills, there will be some hills if you go fast enough you may catch air, there will also be some that end in an abrupt turn/stop sign
• On the longer straight a ways, no need to go 100+ on small backroads just to slam your brakes, this is a good opportunity to let your engine cool down, coast at 60-70, which is still 2x the limit but this isn’t a race, just cruise!
• Many 1 way bridges, be courteous, slow down way ahead of time
• DO NOT SPEED when we go through the parts of the town
• Stay close, but not too close. There will be instances where you may have to abruptly apply the brakes, I would advise not to tail gate who ever is in front of you!
• Keep your eyes peeled for the road signs! Do not miss your turn! If you feel like you’re on the road for too long (>3 miles) then you probably missed your turn!!
• Most importantly, have fun!!
I like to take pictures:
Weekly meets with: National G Club
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