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Old 09-12-2014, 03:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: Vienna, Austria
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niko86 is on a distinguished road

I have just prepared the wiring for the AEM Failsafe Gauge, that's the one that displays boost and AFR on one gauge.
It also has this failsafe feature where you can programm a map of afr vs boost vs rpm and use borders to determine a failure state, but i won't bother with that for now.

I have not mounted the Gauge as of yet, because i got Mr. GaleForce's awesome Gaugepod A-Pillar on the way, will post pictures as soon as it arrives.

On another note, the Stillen parcels came in this week.

It was a bit of a nightmare getting them into Austria.
Somehow they managed to misplace the paperwork for the import in France.
I guess there was some kind of a mixup and the actually put paperwork for some airplane parts into my packages.

So the packages got into Austria and the Customs officers wanted to bill me some 60.000 USD in import tax for airplane parts from Cirrus.

I am still working this out with them, they released the packages and i got them now, still this was kind of a shocker at first as you might imagine.

As if this wasn't fun enough, one of the packages actually came in damaged, it looks like someone/something ripped it open.

I am still unsure wether parts are missing, they could have easily fallen out through that huge gap.
We will unpack everything and go through the parts using the packaging list Adam@Stillen provided (thanks Adam )

It does not look like it was a packaging fault or anything, more like someone left it in the rain and then it caught on something when it was wet.
As you can see it is packaged nicely

So far so good, i'll be installing the fuel pump tomorrow, next week i'll probably go for a dynorun to get a baseline on the current setup and play with UpRev a little bit.

I am going to start installing the kit thursday next week, will keep you posted
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