Originally Posted by madwi
I haven't the courage to go straight razor just yet... I have the old style "safety" razor and that does well for during the work week. I do love splurging and going to the barber to get a shave with a straight edge 
All good, when I first got my blade it was so sharp putting it to my face cut my upper lip. It's definitely not as sharp as back then but definitely acceptable to my level since I've also taken it upon myself to maintain the blade. Until this summer whenever I shaved my neck it would be so sensitive and still not be smooth until I adjusted my strop technique!
Originally Posted by cigarclifford
Gentleman, its twice a month for my hair cut and style. The barber is
old school and has the straight edge razor for the brave and a steady
head. Its as close as a shave man can go. Its a extra 10.00 dollars
but it is a neat experience. Give this one a try............
It definitely is an unique experience! I started it originally to be more 'manly' but it's definitely a ritual I do twice a week now. I usually do a full shave on the Sunday and mid-week do a cheek/sideburn touch up and upper lip (all 6 hairs on that upper lip).