em370z what is your goal?
in all honesty 'day trading' is a lot different now. what type of gains are you looking for? If you're looking for large gain's in a short time you must be willing to have an appetite for large amounts of risk. another note stay away from IPO's. It's like flipping a coin. My personal opinion vs BABA is to not go into it. Even though it's one of the largest companies in China I think there is more that meets the eye.
In my humble opinion if you are investing do not go for IPO's. Investing is long term, day trading is short term (minutes to weeks for the holding). Also if you have a small portfolio (under 500k) I would shy away from individual stocks as there is very large amount of risk and not a lot of diversity. Instead go for diversity with ETF's.
ETF's give you a nice index tracked such as XIU(Cdn) tracking the TSX 60. Or VUN (Cdn listed as well) tracks the broad American market. Essentially offer what a mutual fund does at a fraction of the MER's. Plus they are liquid. MF's you have to sell the unit back to the parent company. ETF's are traded on exchanges and can be sold when the market is open. Very important note because if a bad day happens your MF NAV will go down. Well if you had an ETF you sell in the morning, something bad happens all the stocks drop and the ETF drops along with it (tracking the index) but you made out like a bandit!
As for my holdings right now? Let's just say I'm holding cdn bank stocks. Last year in June was a great buy opportunity, again in December (lots of the cdn banks had a 'weak' quarter or a 'buy' opportunity in my books).
Always remember do not, I repeat, do not go into anything you are not comfortable with. Do some research and start out small. Blue chips like banks are great for individual picks if you absolutely want single picks. They pay dividend and have decent appreciation. Telecoms, pipelines, energy companies... things that don't just go belly up are all great.