Originally Posted by MJB
I would rule out bad syncros. Usually you'll have one gear that is really hard to get into, but not all of them like you are experiencing. I would say that your csc or cmc is going bad. Sounds like the hydraulic system isn't building up enough pressure in order for the csc to be able to push in all the way on the pressure plate to disengage the disk.
* I would take care of the easy stuff. Bleed/flush your clutch fluid, and change the transmission fluid.
Exactly what I was thinking, I'm really really hoping it's nothing internally wrong with the transmission!
I have some Motul rbf 600 that I plan on using when I flush the clutch fluid, I just need to find someone to help me do it or pay someone to do it for me.
As for the transmission, do you think I should go back to the Nissan stuff or keep it motul?