Hi guys and gals. You may have remember a little while back I was competing in the Tuner Battlegrounds for Importfest. With your help, we won it. We got a mini feature in an upcoming issue of PASMAG. Thank you for your help! But we're just beginning!!!!
Fast forward to now.
I have had many of you ask if I was going to compete in the Tuner BattleGrounds - Battle for SEMA. Well, I've succumbed to peer pressure, and I am officially entered. I'm a little behind as I didn't actually get entered until the late afternoon Sept 9, the opening day of voting.
The top two vehicles of this competition win a trip to Las Vegas/SEMA and their vehicle is shipped to SEMA where they go head to head, winner gets the cover of PASMAG, and a full feature in an future issue.
Check this link to read more about
Tuner BattleGrounds - Battle for SEMA 2014
Here is the fun part. We have 4 forum members fighting to get to the top prize. If you have a favourite build, vote for them. I appreciate all the help and votes I get, but ultimately we should be trying to get one or two of these 370z's into the finals. Below you will find all the necessary links.
Jason Gale - GaleForce
Click the link below to vote for me,
Jason Gale - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds
See more of my boosted 370z here -
GaleForce build thread
galeforce370zToronto by
J M Gale, on Flickr
Steven Wiggins - Wiggins3377
Click the link below to vote for Steve's awesome build,
Steven Wiggins - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds
See more of Steve's build here,
Wiggins Build thread
Moses Awad - Billet370
Click the link below to vote for Moses' incredible carbon fibre 370z
Moses Awad - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds
See more of the Billet370z here
Billet370z build thread
Jon Sackett - Reaper42
Click the link below to vote for Jon's custom wide body 370z
Jon Sackett - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds
See more of Reaper42 (get lucky) wide body 370z here -
get lucky build thread