Originally Posted by Mitco39
I would appreciate it man, If I can get rid of that stock tank and that power steering reservior I would be happy. If I ambitious I might T off those lines and run them down the car and relocate one of those filters that we are currently using. I dont run catch cans on our diesels, but then again they are dirty and no one cares about a little blowby, most just route the line down along the frame and zip tie it off.
Thread Jack...
I stopped in on the JTran dynoday Saturday and Amber informed me that they should be getting the materials in for the overflow tank this week and start welding them up. She seemed pretty confident they could add a site glass too. I didn't get any pricing since they were busy with the dynoday. Heading up there this Friday to get the post cat O2 sensors deleted from my map. I'll inquire more and revert back.